한국어강좌 / TOPIK

  한국어 강좌 신청

Korean Language Courses Application Form
Note : please fill in all required fields marked with “*”.
1. Program and Term*
(Term 1) FEB - APR,   (Term 2) MAY - JUL,  
(Term 3) AUG - SEP,   (Term 4) OCT - DEC
Pre-TOPIK Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIK 1(Level 1~2) Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIKⅡ-1 (Level 3~4) Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIKⅡ-2 (Level 5~6) Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIK Speaking Beginner Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIK Speaking Intermediate Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
TOPIK Speaking Advanced Term 1       Term 2      
Term 3       Term 4
2. Personal Information*
* Required photo
(JPG, JPEG Only)
* Please provide your name as it appears on your passport, and the Korean name must be written in Korean with the English name pronounced.
First Name
Last Name
Korean Name
Gender Nationality
Date of Birth Occupation
Contact No (Mobile) Email
Permanent Address
Mailing Address
* Required photo
Name First Name
Last Name
Korean Name
Date of Birth
Contact No (Mobile)
Permanent Address
Mailing Address
3. Current Level of Korean*
Have you ever attended the KEC before?        
if yes, when :  
Fluency in Korean (Check one)
Have you ever attended the KEC before?
        if yes, when :  
Fluency in Korean (Check one)
4. Academic Information
Name of Institution
Major Area of Study Attendance (from-to)
Name of Institution
Major Area of Study
Attendance (from-to)
5. Emergency Contact Information*
Name in full Relationship to you
Contact Number
Name in full
Relationship to you
Contact Number
6. Brief Description*
* Please write a brief essay in English or Korean about your purpose in studying Korean and future plans (study, career etc)
Consent to Information Provision
  1. Applicant agrees that the information on his/her application form can be used for educational purposes by the KEC.
  2. Applicant agrees that data collected such as photos and video clips of himself/herself can be used for the promoting for the KEC courses.
Rejection of an Application for Registration

The KEC may refuse to re-enrol a student in the following cases:
  1. Failure to complete 50% of the total number of the course classes in attendance.
  2. Students who intentionally create disturbances in class.
  • 자동등록방지
  • 자동등록방지 숫자를 순서대로 입력하세요.